Amanda Mineer

What is Substantially Gainful Employment for Purposes of TDIU?

A common trait of veterans is that they work hard, push towards gaining their objectives, and never admit defeat. Unfortunately, sometimes that means they overlook the severity of the challenges they ...

Social Security disability (SSDI) and TDIU for veterans

We know that veterans joined the military because they wanted to serve their country, not because they wanted to navigate bureaucratic mazes to claim benefits to which they are entitled. Trying to ...

The VA Appeals Process: A Step-by-Step Explanation

The process for appealing a denied veteran’s disability claim is lengthy and can be confusing for many people. However, this article will provide a step-by-step explanation of the appeals process. ...

Do Non-Service-Connected Disabilities Affect TDIU?

It may be years since you left military service and as time passes, sometimes it can be hard to know what parts of your life are still affected by your sacrifices of service and which ones are just ...

What Do Disability Percentage Ratings Mean in Connection with TDIU?

I’m Working Part-Time – Can I Still Qualify for TDIU?

Veterans are hard-working and try to overcome every obstacle – it’s just part of the personality of those who volunteered to serve their country in the military. Over and over again, we find that ...

What is Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU)?

What to Consider When Choosing a Disability Claims Attorney

Many attorneys practice disability law, but to give your claim the best chance of succeeding it is important to work with an attorney who has experience practicing veterans disability law.

RAMP: An Option for Veterans

RAMP: What is it and is it right for me? The Department of Veterans Affairs is notorious for its red tape. Some injured veterans hoping for disability benefits spend months building a thorough ...

Does a Personality Disorder Mean I Can’t Get VA Compensation?

Military service demands certain sacrifices, but few realize just how demanding active duty can be on a person’s mental state. While much is made about post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, ...
