Amanda Mineer

VA Disability Benefits for Spine Conditions

Most people experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. Unfortunately, spinal injuries are all too common for veterans. Military lifestyle, deployment, and training often lead to spine ...

Disability Benefits for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injuries

Invisible injuries can be just as serious and life-altering as more obvious ailments. Unfortunately, for those suffering from traumatic brain injuries, it can be difficult to prove to others just how ...

How can a POA for my VA Claims Save Me Time & Frustration?

As Americans, our legal rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are considered inalienable. However, when our lives become complicated by our careers, families, and health problems, ...

TDIU Benefit Reductions

There is perhaps no greater sense of relief than the one felt by a veteran finally approved for VA unemployment (TDIU) benefits. Conversely, many feel anxious and frustrated when they discover their ...

Qualifying for TDIU Benefits

Military service requires certain sacrifices. Whether giving up time with loved ones or personal safety, all veterans have made sacrifices for their country. When the results of those sacrifices ...

Veterans Law Group Cares

The old military adage “never leave a man behind” is one that dates back to ancient Rome. Even then, fierce loyalty and bravery was innate among servicemen. While the phrase is still used today, it ...

Appeals Process

Applying for disability benefits from the VA can be complicated. After months of tracking down documents, forwarding additional paperwork, and presenting your best most complete application to the ...

My Claim Was Denied, Now What?

It’s easy to become frustrated by the red tape and seemingly endless amount of paperwork associated with filing a disability claim. When such a claim is denied, it can be downright infuriating. After ...

The Myth of Veteran Violence

The story unfolds in the popular media with lots of drama and noise: a disturbed veteran has taken a weapon and turned it on Americans. On American soil. The family tells the reporters he came back ...

Making Sure Your VSO or Attorney is Properly Accredited

After a long wait and even longer appeal process, you finally received a decision from the Board of Veterans Appeals (Board) and you have been denied veterans disability benefits. This denial can be ...
