Amanda Mineer

Understanding Veterans Disability Claim Types

After serving your country selflessly and completing your military service, you have been left with a life-altering injury or condition. You may have decided to move forward with an application for ...

The Atomic Veterans Healthcare Parity Act

The US took a trusteeship role over Micronesia in 1946, a large group of islands in the Pacific, and five days later those islands became the Pacific Proving Ground. The islanders were moved off and ...

Veterans Crisis Line: No Wrong Number

What is the Veterans Crisis Line? The crisis line is available for any veteran, family member, caregiver, or interested party to help a veteran cope with a crisis, talk to someone about a difficult ...

What is Gulf War Syndrome?

Gulf War Syndrome is a chronic condition affecting those who served in the military while assigned to Southwest Asia. This service includes the Gulf War (1990-1991), Operation Iraqi Freedom ...

Taking a Long Walk: Wilderness Therapy for Veterans

Several outdoor adventure and wilderness therapy companies and organizations are offering specialized outdoor adventures for veterans. These can range from fishing and camping weekends to rafting and ...

Is VA Healthcare Worth It?

The Veterans Health Administration is the largest healthcare organization in the country if not the world. According to the VA:

Evidence Based Treatment for PTSD

Evidence based treatments are those that have been studied, researched, and developed over time. Clinicians that use these treatments are trained and certified to practice them. These treatments have ...

New PTSD Treatment Studies Transcendental Meditation, Sleep, & Ecstasy

PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is experienced by a large percentage of military veterans. Its symptoms include flashbacks of traumatic experiences, stress, anxiety, depression, and more.

Health Insurance and the VA

Health insurance does not play a role in eligibility for health care at a Veterans Administration facility.

Emergency Care at Non-VA Health Care Facilities

Getting emergency health care in a non-VA health care facility paid for by the Veterans Administration is allowed but often difficult for veterans to succeed at. There are very strict guidelines to ...
