Amanda Mineer

Horse Therapy for PTSD and TBI

Several models of horse therapy, also called equine therapy, are being used for treating PTSD and TBI in veterans. What are these therapies, and how do they work?

Female Veterans Face Job Training Discrimination

Many faith-based programs that offer shelter and job training for veterans receive federal funding for their programs. When they receive federal funds, they cannot restrict access to the job-training ...

Newly Proposed Law Would Help Homeless Veterans Access Legal Aid

Legislation recently introduced into the United States Congress by Representative Joyce Beatty (D-OH) would authorize the VA to enter into partnerships with both public and private organizations to ...

Study Shows Possible Connection Between Concussions & PTSD in Veterans

The men and women fighting for our freedom often come home with various ailments, but one of the most dreaded is PTSD. While physical injuries heal over time, post-traumatic stress disorder is ...

ALS and Gulf War Vets

From 2003 to 2007 the VA enrolled Veterans with ALS in a National Registry. The registry collected data, including DNA, to be used for a number of studies on ALS. This registry was a result of the ...

Veteran Unemployability After Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are obviously serious but can cause lasting effects that you might not originally think about. Veterans who suffered a service-connected spinal cord injury may like to find out ...

New Study Reveals Veteran Suicide Rates

Transitioning to life after the military can be difficult, and issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder, physical disabilities, and depression compound the problems. Veterans have a suicide rate ...

Psychiatric Disability: The Problem Faced by Veterans

Veterans with psychiatric disabilities face the daunting task of applying for both help for their problem and benefits to enable them to take care of themselves and their families. Because of the ...

Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries Could Have Lasting Consequences

War veterans who experienced head injuries might return home from duty and think these wounds are healed, but a study conducted by St. Michael’s Hospital shows that traumatic brain injuries could ...

Recognizing PTSD

Today’s veteran faces a range of physical and psychological injuries that have lasting, if not permanent, effects. While Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is somewhat familiar, it is becoming ...
