Amanda Mineer

VA Announces 1.5% Benefits Increase

The Department of Veterans Affairs recently announced a cost of living increase in the monthly benefits paid out to veterans, their families, and survivors.

Mild Blast Injuries Can Cause Long-Term Brain Injuries in Veterans

According to the results of a new study, veterans who suffer even mild explosion-related injuries can have long-term brain damage.

Improving Veterans Disability Claims Processing: A Promising Update

Veterans, who have given some of the best years of their lives to our country, should not have to wait for long periods of time to get their veterans disability claims processed and approved. The ...

Gulf War Illness Linked to Memory Problems in Veterans

A new study released by the University Of Texas finds that veterans, who suffer from Gulf War Illness, may also suffer from memory problems. Gulf War Illness is the name given to the syndrome that ...

High Rates of Prescription Painkiller Addiction among Veterans

According to a report by the Center for Investigative Reporting, veterans being treated at Veterans Administration hospitals are been prescribed unnecessarily strong painkillers, increasing their ...

Massive Backlog of Veterans Disability Claims Appeals

The Veterans Administration has been touting its progress in helping reduce the number of veterans disability claims that are pending processing. However, while that may be true, the fact is that ...

Three Out Of Four Veterans Suffer from PTSD

According to new statistics released by the Wounded Warrior Project, three out of four veterans who were injured after 9/11, suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. These people also suffer from ...

VA Makes Progress in Reducing Claims Backlog

The Veteran Affairs Department will cross an important milestone soon. The agency announced recently that it expects to go below the 800,000 mark in its veteran disability benefits claim backlog soon.

PTSD Increases Heart Attack Risks for Vietnam Vets

For many veterans, the long-term health consequences of post-traumatic stress disorder are only now coming to light. According to new research, Vietnam veterans who suffered from Post-Traumatic ...

VA Steps up PTSD Awareness Efforts

In June, the Department of Veterans Affairs increased its efforts to educate veterans about the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The month was marked as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ...
