Amanda Mineer

Army Establishes Brain Tissue Repository to Study TBI

The Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences at Bethesda, Maryland is now the scene of the world’s first brain tissue depository that ...

Faster Processing of Online Disability Applications for Veterans

Soon, veterans who are applying for disability claims may find that their claims are processed much more speedily and efficiently. A new online processing tool released by the Department Of Veterans ...

Injured Veterans Benefit from Advancements in Artificial Limbs

The recent Boston Marathon attacks are believed to have resulted in several amputation injuries. However, for these victims, life with a prosthetic device is likely to be much easier, than has been ...

Review Explores Sexual Effects of Brain Injury

There has been very little research done into how people who have suffered a brain injury, like veterans injured during combat duty, deal with the effect of their brain injury on their sexuality and ...

Military Experimenting with Meditation to Treat PTSD

With several hundred thousand veterans now believed to suffer from post traumatic stress disorder in the United States, the military is experimenting with new ways to help reduce the intensity of the ...

Research Finds Soldiers with TBI Have Measurable Brain Abnormalities

Traumatic brain injury affecting veterans is a grave source of concern to California veteran’s benefits lawyers. New research into traumatic brain injury among veterans in Afghanistan and Iraq has ...

Too Many Veterans Don’t Live to Receive Benefits

Any California veterans benefits lawyer knows that processing of benefits claims can take months. Unfortunately, in too many cases, the delays are so long that the claim processing is completed only ...

Research Team Finds Ecstasy Drug Helpful in Treating PTSD Symptoms

A husband-and-wife research team in South Carolina is offering treatment for symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder that includes the use of an unusual drug. The researchers base their treatment ...

Understanding PTSD in Combat Veterans: The Impact of Amygdala Volume

Researchers have found that veterans, who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, have a much smaller volume in an area of the brain that is responsible for emotions like fear and anxiety.

Combatting PTSD and Brain Injury: Pentagon's $100 Million Investment

The Pentagon is investing more than $100 million in new efforts to fight both traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder. The announcement of the new initiatives was made to coincide ...
