Amanda Mineer

Veterans with PTSD at High Risk of Opioid Painkiller Addiction

New research seems to indicate that veterans, who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health disorders, may be at a high risk of addiction to opioid painkillers.

Reckless Driving by Veterans Could Be a Symptom of PTSD

Veterans, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, may suffer not just nightmares and flashbacks, but also an inability to drive safely. Thousands of veterans who are returning from combat duty ...

Unemployment Rate Increases among Veterans

This is news that should concern veterans’ groups, and California veterans benefits lawyers who know the difficult financial circumstances of veterans who find it hard to obtain their rightful ...

Veterans Struggle to Access Mental Health Care

It hasn’t been a secret to California veterans’ benefits lawyers that veterans with mental health problems who need access to professional care, have to wait far too long for such services. A new ...

Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury Have High Risk of Sleep Disorders

According to new research, veterans who have suffered a traumatic brain injury in combat may have a much higher risk of developing sleep disorders. According to the research, more than half of these ...

Future of Military Retirement Benefits: Potential Cuts on the Horizon

Under severe pressure to cut down spending, especially on social welfare programs, Congress is likely to look at health and pension benefits of military retirees closely in the near future. Thus far, ...

President Promises Budget Cuts Will Not Affect Veterans Benefits

President Obama made several promises last week that were guaranteed to make veterans groups and California veteran disability benefit lawyers very happy. Speaking to thousands of members of the ...

Vets at High Risk of Depression and Stressed Relationships

According to a new study, veterans returning from combat duty in Iraq and Afghanistan have a much higher risk of suffering from depression and relationship stresses.

Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury Have Double the Risk of Dementia

A new study indicates to California veteran benefits lawyers that the risk of developing dementia among war veterans who have suffered a brain injury, is substantially higher than feared. The study ...
