Amanda Mineer

How Do VA Disability Ratings Work?

VA disability ratings can be confusing. Even if your VA disability claim was approved, your VA disability rating (somewhere between 0-100%) might feel like an arbitrary number that doesn’t adequately ...

How can you increase your VA Disability Rating?

You have already received a decision on your VA disability benefits claim, agreeing that you have a service-connected disability and assigning an individual VA disability rating for each disability ...

Is there any point in filing a MST VA Disability Claim?

You have suffered through the fallout of a sexual assault or sexual harassment during your time in the military – is there any point now in filing a military sexual trauma-related VA disability claim?

What can I do if my Military Sexual Trauma claim is denied?

You have options if your Military Sexual Trauma VA Disability Claim has been denied – a real opportunity to reverse that decision by filing an appeal of the decision. Veterans have one year from the ...

How does PTSD relate to a Military Sexual Trauma VA Disability Claim?

Veterans often ask “how does PTSD relate to a Military Sexual Trauma VA Disability claim?”

What compensation should I expect for MST VA Disability?

First, let’s define military sexual trauma (sometimes referred to as “MST”) as the VA defines it. In short, military sexual trauma (MST) refers to sexual assault or sexual harassment experienced ...

Why Did the VA Deny My Physical Disability Claim and How Do I Appeal

You have finally received a Notification Letter on your VA Disability Claim for a physical disability and your heart sinks when you see those words “claim denied.”

Appealing a VA Claim Denial for Military Sexual Trauma

Your military sexual trauma VA disability claim was denied – what’s next?

Why Did the VA Deny My Psychiatric Disability Claim & How Do I Appeal?

So, you have finally received a Notification Letter on your VA Disability Claim and with trembling hands and hopefulness opened the envelope. Claim denied. Whatever emotion you are feeling upon ...

The Benefits of Using a VA Claim Appeal Attorney
