Amanda Mineer

Where and How to Book My C&P Exam?

Do All VA Disability Claims Require a C&P exam?

Veterans can make VA disability claims to obtain monetary compensation for service-connected disabilities. These claims are usually made directly to the VA by the affected veteran, sometimes with the ...

Do I Need an Attorney Before My C&P Exam?

You just got a notice in the mail requesting your appearance at a C&P Exam (Compensation & Pension Exam) a few months after filing your VA Disability Claim. This looks important and serious.

What Should I Expect at My C&P Exam?

Do I Have to Have Another C&P Exam If My Claim is Denied

What is The Importance of C&P Exams

Can I receive VA Disability for Sleep Apnea?

Can veterans receive VA disability benefits for sleep apnea? Under direct or secondary connection to their military service, the answer is yes. This article spells out the VA disability process and ...

Why Does My VA Appeal Take So Long?

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Effects of Exposure to Agent Orange

What to Expect at a VA Disability Benefits Appeal Hearing

The prospect of a hearing before a Veteran Law Judge (“VLJ”) may seem intimidating even for the most experienced veterans because it is an unfamiliar process.
