Amanda Mineer

TDIU Claims and Protected Work Environments

As a soldier, you do whatever task is assigned to you without questions and with a strong sense of duty. Therefore, it’s not much of a surprise that after discharge, veterans take whatever job ...

How to Expedite Your VA Disability Claim Due to Hardship

Are you experiencing financial hardship while waiting for a decision on your VA disability claim appeal? Are there other reasons, such as illness or advanced age, that make the usual timeframe for ...

Top Myths About PTSD [updated for 2022]

Post-traumatic stress disorder continues to remain a much-misunderstood condition.

Married to PTSD: What is Secondary PTSD?

A soldier coming home is a happy time, a glorious reunion with loved ones. We’ve all seen the online videos romanticizing a soldier surprising their family with the homecoming.

Compensation & Pension Exam for Veterans With PTSD: What to Expect

A compensation and pension exam (“C&P Exam”) is a required step in getting VA disability claims processed and approved.

Delayed Treatment Could Make PTSD Symptoms Permanent

What is Delayed-Onset PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental condition that sometimes emerges in the aftermath of facing a life-threatening situation. This can happen in civilian life, like ...

PTSD and Sleep Deprivation

Surveys suggest that 70 to 90% of people with PTSD suffer from sleep deprivation, with veterans falling in the higher end of that range.

Who Can Help Me File a Claim for VA Disability?

If you are a veteran struggling with a full or partial disability that stems from your time in the military, you may be entitled to VA disability benefits. Filing claims for VA disability may seem ...

How to File a Successful VA MST Claim

Sexual harassment and assault, unfortunately, happen in the military with some frequency. Fortunately, the VA recognizes this and provides disability benefits for the resulting trauma, referred to as ...

Simple Guide to VA Retroactive/Back Pay Benefits

One of the first questions you may have about your back pay benefits is what starting date will be assigned to your claim. Are disability claims retroactive? Do they have a starting date only when a ...
