Simple Guide to VA Retroactive/Back Pay Benefits

One of the first questions you may have about your back pay benefits is what starting date will be assigned to your claim. Are disability claims retroactive? Do they have a starting date only when a ...

Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Explained

It’s not easy for any veteran to admit that you have been sexually harassed or assaulted while in the military, and even harder to ask for help with the resulting trauma. In this article, we’ll ...

Can a Veteran Be Awarded a 100% Psychiatric Disability and Still Work?

The short answer to this question is: Yes. However, it is very uncommon. Usually, a 100% disability rating translates to a psychiatric disability so severe as to preclude a claimant from engaging in ...

Understanding MST Claims: Overcoming Obstacles for Veterans

It does not matter whether a sexually assaulted claimant has tried once or several times to service-connect their PTSD or related psychiatric disability claim. In either case, military sexual trauma ...

Do I Need to File a “Claim” for Individual Unemployability (TDIU)?

Now that you or your spouse have completed your active military duty and returned to the civilian world, you may feel like you have merely exchanged one set of stresses for another, including ...

What is Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU)?

Appeals Process

Applying for disability benefits from the VA can be complicated. After months of tracking down documents, forwarding additional paperwork, and presenting your best most complete application to the ...

Overview of Special Monthly Compensation

As an injured veteran, you are afforded a disability compensation if you’re injured or become ill during your time of service in the military. But, if you lost a limb, your sight or hearing, you ...
