A vocational expert gives an opinion as to the employability of a Veteran, and this type of expert is helpful for the purposes of a Total Disability Based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU) claim. Compared to a medical doctor, who determines only the functional impact that a Veteran’s service-connected disability has on their employment, a vocational expert can evaluate whether a Veteran can maintain substantially gainful employment in the competitive job market with their service-connected disability(ies) in light of several factors.
A vocational expert will consider a Veteran’s skills, education, and work history; the characteristics of the current job market and the types of accommodations that employers may give; and the functional impact (including physical and mental limitations) from the Veteran’s service-connected disability(ies), in assessing a Veteran’s employability. A vocational expert can apply a greater knowledge to a Veteran’s employability than a medical doctor and thus help a VA decision-maker have a better understanding of a Veteran’s ability to maintain substantially gainful employment in light of their service-connected disability(ies) – the standard for entitlement to a TDIU rating. Our attorneys can help you decide if a vocational expert is needed in your case.
A few of the things a vocational expert will look at and take into consideration when coming to their professional opinion: